The day you stop growing, the day your end begins.
BUT there is no growth in the comfort zone.

Study, Learn & Live a New Language!

In this technology based era, communication has become one of the key concerns worldwide. Aspects from advertisement to personal relationship depend only on better skill to convey information. Learning a foreign language is more than just discovering a new way to say something; it’s discovering a new way to see the world. Every language is unique and there’s no better place to start understanding another culture than by tackling its language. When you attend a language school, you are investing time and energy in one of the best ways to connect with the world around you, wherever you live.

Communication and Test of a Foreign Language

In this technology based era, communication has become one of the key concerns worldwide. Aspects from advertisement to personal relationship depend mostly on good skill to properly convey and receive information. It is exceedingly demanding for a professional to maintain a good relation with many corporate houses and research institutes for a glorious future for not only himself, but also the society.


Out of around 6000 languages spoken around the world, only a few ones such as Spanish, French, German, English and so on are widely used as official languages of communication. Among them, English is considered a common language in terms of recent research works and developments as the number of Scientific Journals in English is increasing and countries having English as native language have a growing influence over others. Only a few countries are able to hold on to their indigenous languages as the means of development. China, Germany, France, Spain are to name a few. As a result, our country, Bangladesh, requires a good number of professionals to achieve elevated level of English language skill to cope up with the soaring development opportunities.


Every profession has the ability to build a strong community to leave a deep footprint in the development of a country. Consequently, they need to understand the international aspects of possibilities and link them to own conditions. It is really difficult without a good understanding of the international language, English. Studying abroad also demands a good score in IELTS or TOEFL, which are available language tests in Bangladesh. It is also worth mentioning that these examinations have no correlation with GMAT, GRE or SAT. These are different category of assessment and the score requirement of institutes is also different for both categories. In a short note, the former is only language assessment while the latter is judgment of analytical ability with language.


Communication is mainly divided in two ways: one is to understand others and another is to make others understand. Both of them have two channels. The first one relies on Reading and Listening skill whereas the other counts on Writing and Speaking. All the language tests are conducted based on these four channels of transmission and the certification is generally valid for 2 years, which is settled, but varies, based on many statistics. Learning of native language starts with Listening and continues with Speaking, Reading and Writing step by step. Unfortunately, the process is mostly the opposite for a non-native language. That is why, most people do not perform well in the test and they require a good guideline before IELTS or TOEFL or similar exams.


Considering all the details mentioned, it would be realistic to focus on understanding English from the very beginning. In case of learning a language, it is often said that ‘You need to dream in the language’. The insight of it indicates that after a basic understanding, you need to comprehend the language in terms of that language, i.e. you cannot learn a language completely with the help of other language after a certain level. For example, I personally never looked at any English-Bangla Dictionary after my SSC and studied only English-English Dictionaries. Though it was a bit time consuming at the beginning, it helped me achieve 8.5 out of 9 in the Reading module when I appeared at IELTS exam after my graduation. In addition, having a daily practice session, along with self-study if required, is mandatory to keep up the level. Without these, it will be more than difficult to maintain the pace with this fast moving world.


To recapitulate, the importance of communication can never be underestimated. Take your personal affairs or the career path you choose into account, you cannot go a single moment except a proper communication skill. There is never late to start anything and there is no limit of development. As a person, you know a lot. Have confidence on yourself and start from the step you are on today. You never know where your future lie

Importance of Communication Skill at workplace

With the development of Information and Technology, Communication has also been developed in the same rhythm and nowadays it happens to be one of the major requirements in every sector especially in workplaces. Basically, communication refers to a mean of connecting people or place with an exchange of information. It is highly significant and important as it is almost impossible to do a single thing without a proper communication. Particularly in business or at workplaces, communication is now a major area of concern and functions as a key to success and even in development. Hence it is much important to have a good communication skill to achieve success or goal in particular at workplaces.


The major and foremost importance of communication skill is to spread knowledge properly and most successfully. For instance, Human resource is the most important element of the present era where the accomplishment of success depends. Without having good communication skill, it is not possible to utilize it precisely. At workplace the notion of success is found notably. Success in the present world of workplace greatly depends on successful communication skill where the competitors are engaged in developing their skill in communication. For example, if an interviewee fails to communicate properly with the interviewer his or her job is certainly dubious in question of lacking competence in communication. It is extremely significant to the entire period of the career where the true success lies in the efficiency of communication skills. It not only helps one to get cleared about any matter but also helps to do a work easily in a proper way. Most notably it raises the productivity of the employees. It is much needed especially in any workplace where a chain of command is followed or in a group work. For example; if a supervisor fails to command properly the entire down word chain of workers will work wrongly and perhaps in confusion. A good communication often ensures the maximum possibility of success in any workplace.


On the other hand, what if good communication is absent at workplaces? Barriers and obstruction in productivity will arise at workplace and workers may face numerous problems to work as well. Therefore, it is important to take initiatives whether from individual or from the organization. It could be highly risky as
well if anyone fails to communicate properly. One may find a work tough or complex if he or she lacks of proper communication with colleagues. It may cause a misunderstanding among the workers in a workplace or even it can be reason for losing a job. Communication skill is not only important for the workers or staff at workplaces but also a concerning issue for the higher authority or boss as well because if they fail to make workers understand properly about their work for having a poor communication skill it may cause a great loss to the business or for a company particularly. Hence, a good communication skill helps to conduct any work in both upward communication, and downward communication at workplaces which ensures each and every person cleared about their own responsibility. Therefore, communication skill is a must for the present trend of success at workplaces. It helps to create a better workplace and to work innovative as well as intelligent. Moreover, good communication skill helps one to get confident for any work which is very important at workplace. It also acts as a standard to judge someone especially at workplace and often promotion is given based on the skill. Currently, it has come to be the major criteria for the workplace where employers only seek for those who are efficient in communication skill.


To work with the competency of a good communication, one has to have some skills which are essential at workplaces. These skills are different accordingly with the methods of communication. Communication can be done variably but among them the most often and general terms are verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication refers to communicating verbally where it can be done by the words of mouth and by the piece of writings. It comprises with oral and written communication. On the other hand, nonverbal communication is done with no word but with the postures or gestures, body language, facial expression and so with many other ways. The types of communications should be exercised to have a good competency in communicating. One has to be affluent in all the skills of the communications types mentioned and has to imply them at workplaces properly. These skills not only develop the possibility of success but also enrich the quality of the workers or the productivity of any organization. Good communication skill comes with better opportunities. And better opportunities create better workplace. Having a good communication in a workplace is similar to having control over in a workplace. It gives the best possible atmosphere where each and every person can relate their ideas which helps to create the best decision and ensures the success.


Probable barriers to the way in building good communication skill which are Cultural barrier can cause a hindrance at workplace; Language can part as a problem in communication most often; Perceptual barrier is though taken as a personal problem but yet it is a question to developing communication skill; Physical barrier can make a difference in between the worker as being incapable of doing the same work wherefore equal treatment to all with training is needed. These barriers can reduce the Excellency of communication skill what for it can reduce the productivity or the proficiency of any organization. Without good communication skill it will not be easy to convince and make someone understand about any particular matter. Poor communication often happens to be the reason for misunderstand and mismanagement making it almost impossible for someone to get a better job and even to survive in the competitive era. It not only helps to accomplish any goal, but also helps any work to be done convincingly. Further, lack of competence in communication may decrease the confidence and spoils the quality of work.


How to get skilled in communication? Practicing some particular activity can make one skilled in communication. Especially some activities if taken which are Listening very clearly and completely when something is told or discussed; Concision is a much better way to avoid critical situations at workplace, Posture and gestures are important because if one is not aware of it, that can be a reason of disturbance for others; Keeping a friendly attitude is a great way to maintain a good communication in a workplace; Confidence is the strength in building a strong communication skill; Positive attitude in a workplace is such a better way to face minimum criticality in communication; Patience is one of the most important qualities required to have a better communication; Empathy will make one to communicate in a much simple way without any conflict rather it will help to increase your psychological capability to acceptability; Courtesy doesn’t need to be said to have made one prominent. Similarly, it does a great benefit to communication skill a swell; self-improvement is the way to develop the communication skill gradually to a supreme level. These are some of the important facts to be adapted to communicating skilfully in a workplace. It should be kept in mind that, as much as one is getting efficient in communication skill that much better the person may shine in workplace as well.


Along with the skills some steps can be taken simultaneously to overcome the barriers and to improve the skill of communication which are Training to be provided for the betterment of the skill; Models or Examples are better for improving as we as inspiring the worker to upgrade their skill; Promoting the skilled person is a way to create more workers to develop their skill as well; Motivation or Appraisal is a much better way to improve the communication skill. With the development of the communication skill workplaces can be a better opportunity for the employees.


Communication is a very concerning issue of the modern world where it not only stands to get a better workplace but also signifies the betterment of the workers. Success of any organization now greatly depend on good communication skill where it now acts as a backbone. If in a workplace people cannot make proper communication among themselves, there is no hope to get something good from that place. If a team, all the members and employees in a workplace can go through a better communication, only then it seems to perform better to the way of success. It is now a leading quality which is a must for every workplace that offers those who are efficient in better communication skill. It is almost impossible to deny the importance of the fact that mere communication can get a better opportunity. Therefore, more emphasize for the betterment of communication skill should be initiated.


The Test

  • The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. IELTS is owned by three partners, Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the University of Cambridge, the British Council and IDP Education Pty Limited (through its subsidiary company, IELTS Australia Pty Limited). It is a paper-pencil based test. More information can be found on the official website
  • The test is arranged for two main purpose
    1.  Academic – for education/profession purpose
    2. General Training – for immigration/training purpose

Getting In

  • Registration can be done both online and offline with varying fees based on location among more than 1,100 IELTS test locations in over 140 countries. Photograph and valid ID which must be presented at the test center are required for this. Without Identification Document, pen, pencil, eraser and sharpener, no other paper or instrument is allowed at the test center.
  •  IELTS consists of four components. The test total time is around 2 hours and 55 minutes.
    #Listening has 4 sections, 40 questions with 25-30 minutes (plus 10 minutes transfer time). The 4
    sections are as follows,
    1. Section 1 has a conversation between two speakers on social aspect
    2.  Section 2 is a monologue on social issue
    3. Section 3 is a conversation between up to four people on educational/training situation
    4. Section 4 is a monologue on training/educational context
    5. Variation of question types includes multiple choice, matching, plan/map/diagram labelling, form/note/table/flow-chart/summary completion, sentence completion and short-answer questions.
  •  Reading contains 3 sections, 40 questions with 60 minutes. The question varies for Academic and General Training module.
  1. For Academic module three Reading texts come from books, journals, magazines, newspapers written for non-specialists and the topics are of general interest.
  2. For General Training module three sections contain 5-6 reading texts from notices, advertisements, job descriptions, contracts and staff development, training materials, timetables, newspapers, magazines and fictional and non-fictional book extracts.
  3. Question types include multiple choice, identifying information, identifying the writer’s views/claims, matching information / headings / features / sentence endings, sentence / summary / note / table / flow-chart / diagram label completion and short-answer
  • Writing includes 2 tasks to be completed in 60 minutes.
    1.Task 1 is a guided writing of 150 words where Academic candidates describe some visual information (graph / table / chart / diagram) and the General Training candidates respond to a situation by writing a letter.
    2. Task 2 is creative writing of 250 words where describing or providing opinion on an issue is required.
  •  Speaking holds 3 parts for 11–14 minutes. In three parts, candidates answer familiar questions in first one and then 1-2 minutes speech after 1 minute preparation in second part followed by detailed discussion generally based on the theme of part two.
  •  Listening, Reading and Writing are completed in one sitting. The Speaking test may be taken on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests.

Score & Result

  • The test report with 2 years validity is provided 13 days after their test where an Overall Band Score (from 1-9), individual band score (from 1-9) for each section, module taken and personal information are provided. The online result is also available with that.


The Test:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), designed and administered at more than 4,500 test centers in 180 countries by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private non-profit organization, is a standardized Internet-based Test (iBT) to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers. The official site for the test is
  •  Note-taking (paper would provided by the center) is allowed during the test and only pencil or pen can be carried to the center. At the end, all notes are collected and destroyed to ensure test security.
  • The test taking frequency cannot be more than once every 12 days.

The Registration:

The Subjects:

  • The four-hour test consists of four sections (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking), each measuring one or several of the basic language skills focusing on language in an academic environment. The Reading and Listening tests are administered first followed by a ten minutes break. Then other two are completed. General test pattern is as follows:
    1. Reading: 3-4 passages; 12-14 questions each; Total 60-80 minutes.
    2. Listening: 4-6 lectures; 6 questions each; and 2-3 conversations; 5 questions each; Total 60-90 minutes
    3. Ten-minute break
    4. Speaking: 6 tasks; 2 independent and 4 integrated; Total 20 minutes
    5. Writing: 1 integrated task; 20 minutes and 1 independent task; 30 minutes
    6. The questions in reading and listening sections are MCQ types.

The Score & Result

  • The test is scored on a scale of 0 to 120 points with a validity of 2 years. Each of the four sections receives a scaled score from 0 to 30. The scaled scores from the four sections are added together to determine the total score. Scores are posted online ( almost 10 days after the test date and the printable copy becomes available 3 more days later.